November 29, 2005

Classic Al Guardian

Today seems like a vintage haul for Al guardian hitting all the bases:

First they complain that a woefully ineffiencent bit of the public sector is not ineffiencent enought, and actually has the timidity to give money back to the people it extorted it from in error. Don't they know that once money gets into government it must never be seen again, and certainly not by anybody that actually produces wealth rather than sponging. But on planet guardian giving money back when it is taken in error is 'an outrage against women'.

The standard bit of Islamist propaganda which no edition of Al Guardian would be without. This time complaining that Muslims are not allowed force women to wear only the cloths deemed acceptable by the local Imam. Less strident than normal, I guess that Al Qaeda have other things on their collective minds at the moment.

And what Guardian comment page would be without Moonbat saying that we must all go back to living like medieval peasants or we are all doooooomed! Forgetting that doing this would amount to the biggest deliberate genocide that the world has ever seen.


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